Funny Newspaper Names: 680+ Funniest & Quirkiest Newspaper Titles

Funny Newspaper Names can make even the most serious news seem slightly lighthearted. Imagine starting your day with a chuckle as you pick up your daily read, thanks to a cleverly named paper like “The Daily Chuckle” or “The Giggle Gazette.”

Funny newspaper names can turn an ordinary news experience into something memorable and fun.

Whether you’re a budding journalist looking for a unique name for your school paper or someone who appreciates a good pun, discovering some of the funniest newspaper names out there can be a delightful journey.

In this post, we’ll dive into some of the most hilarious and creative newspaper names that have ever graced the newsstands. Get ready to smile, laugh, and maybe even get inspired to create your funny newspaper name. Let’s get started!

Best Funny Newspaper Names Ideas

Best Funny Newspaper Names Ideas
Best Funny Newspaper Names Ideas

Creating a funny newspaper name can add a dash of humor to your publication. It grabs attention and sets a light-hearted tone right from the start.

Whether you’re aiming to entertain or simply want to make readers smile, a witty name can do wonders. It can transform an ordinary headline into something memorable.

So, if you’re looking to inject some fun into your paper, start with a clever name that will keep readers chuckling.

  • The Wacky Herald
  • Laugh Times
  • Chuckle Gazette
  • The Giggle Chronicle
  • Hilarious Daily
  • The Jokester Journal
  • The Punny Post
  • Comedy Courier
  • The Wit Weekly
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • Silly Scoop
  • The Jest Express
  • Humor Headlines
  • The Farce Report
  • The Prank Press
  • The Amusing Observer
  • The Mirth Messenger
  • The Snicker Sentinel
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Funny Tribune
  • The Laugh Ledger
  • The Banter Bulletin
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Amusement Article
  • The Humor Herald
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Quirk Quarterly
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Jester Journal
  • The Merry Messenger
  • The Comedy Courier
  • The Mirthful Magazine
  • The Farce Fax
  • The Hilarity Herald
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Prankster Press
  • The Comical Courier
  • The Fool’s Folio
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Giggle Gazette

Funny Fake Newspaper Names

Funny Fake Newspaper Names
Funny Fake Newspaper Names

Fake newspapers are all about satire and humor. A funny fake newspaper name can instantly convey that the content is meant to be taken lightly.

It’s a great way to parody real news without confusion. By choosing a playful name, you signal to readers that they can expect a good laugh.

This approach makes your fake news both entertaining and memorable, perfect for sharing with friends.

  • The Satire Sentinel
  • The Mock News
  • The Spoof Times
  • The Hoax Herald
  • The Phony Press
  • The Pretend Post
  • The Sham Sentinel
  • The Faux Gazette
  • The Bluff Bulletin
  • The Bogus Beacon
  • The False Front
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Parody Press
  • The Fabrication Fable
  • The Fictitious Forum
  • The Make-Believe Messenger
  • The Fake News Flash
  • The Hoax Happenings
  • The Unreal Update
  • The Imaginary Informer
  • The Mythical Magazine
  • The Illusory Index
  • The Fabled Flyer
  • The Pretend Paper
  • The Mock-up Monthly
  • The Fictional Frontline
  • The Spurious Scoop
  • The Simulated Sentinel
  • The Unreal Herald
  • The Mythical Monitor
  • The Fiction Fable
  • The Illusionist Insight
  • The Bogus Bulletin
  • The Pseudo Pages
  • The Hoax Headlines
  • The Fictitious Flash
  • The Fabricated Front
  • The Invented Informer
  • The Sham Sheet
  • The Pretend Press

Funny Made-Up Newspaper Names

Funny Made-Up Newspaper Names
Funny Made-Up Newspaper Names

Coming up with a made-up newspaper name can be a fun exercise in creativity. A funny, imaginative name can set the stage for the quirky stories inside.

It’s a chance to let your sense of humor shine through. Readers will appreciate the effort and creativity, making them more likely to engage with your content.

So, don’t be afraid to get a little silly and come up with a name that stands out.

  • The Whimsical Weekly
  • The Farcical Folio
  • The Laugh Ledger
  • The Jokester Journal
  • The Hilarity Herald
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Jester’s Journal
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Silly Sentinel
  • The Mirth Messenger
  • The Humor Headlines
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Punny Post
  • The Banter Bulletin
  • The Snicker Sentinel
  • The Joke Journal
  • The Comedy Courier
  • The Laughing Ledger
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Jest Express
  • The Farce Report
  • The Merry Messenger
  • The Prank Press
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Amusement Article
  • The Funny Tribune
  • The Chuckle Courier
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Hilarity Herald
  • The Wit Weekly
  • The Jester Journal
  • The Silly Scoop
  • The Mirthful Magazine
  • The Quirk Quarterly
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Farce Fax
  • The Comical Courier
  • The Fool’s Folio

Funny School Newspaper Names

Funny School Newspaper Names
Funny School Newspaper Names

School newspapers don’t have to be all serious. Adding some humor can make them more appealing to students.

A funny school newspaper name can draw in readers who might otherwise overlook it. It creates an inviting atmosphere and can make the paper a hit among students.

Plus, it adds a bit of fun to the school day. So, think of a name that reflects the school’s spirit and sense of humor.

  • The Student Snicker
  • The Campus Chuckle
  • The Scholarly Satire
  • The Classroom Comedy
  • The Laugh Lab
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The School Scoop
  • The Banter Bulletin
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Quip Quarterly
  • The Mirth Messenger
  • The Humor Herald
  • The Student Scribe
  • The Chuckle Chronicle
  • The Prankster Press
  • The Scholarly Smile
  • The Gag Gazette
  • The Classroom Chronicle
  • The Laugh Ledger
  • The School Satire
  • The Campus Courier
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Witty Weekly
  • The Scholarly Scoop
  • The Quirk Quarterly
  • The Mirthful Magazine
  • The Student Smile
  • The Joke Journal
  • The Amusement Article
  • The Banter Bulletin
  • The School Smile
  • The Scholarly Snicker
  • The Classroom Chronicle
  • The Giggle Gazette
  • The Prankster Paper
  • The Jest Journal
  • The Laugh Line
  • The Farce Report
  • The Student Scoop
  • The Scholarly Satire

Good Newspaper Names

Good Newspaper Names
Good Newspaper Names

A good newspaper name should be both catchy and memorable. It needs to convey the essence of your publication while being easy to recall.

A well-chosen name can attract readers and set the tone for the content inside. Whether you’re going for something serious or light-hearted, the right name can make all the difference.

Aim for something that resonates with your audience and stands the test of time.

  • The Daily Dispatch
  • The Morning Herald
  • The Evening Express
  • The Weekly Observer
  • The City Chronicle
  • The National News
  • The Global Gazette
  • The Local Ledger
  • The Regional Reporter
  • The Urban Update
  • The Metro Monitor
  • The Town Times
  • The Community Courier
  • The Neighborhood News
  • The Village Voice
  • The County Chronicle
  • The State Sentinel
  • The National Tribune
  • The Global Gazette
  • The International Informer
  • The Daily Digest
  • The Weekly Watch
  • The Monthly Monitor
  • The Quarterly Quill
  • The Yearly Yield
  • The Annual Announcer
  • The Morning Messenger
  • The Evening Edition
  • The Midnight Monitor
  • The Sunrise Sentinel
  • The Sunset Sentinel
  • The Twilight Tribune
  • The Noon News
  • The Midday Monitor
  • The Nightly News
  • The Prime Time Post
  • The Weekend Watch
  • The Holiday Herald
  • The Seasonal Sentinel
  • The Festive Flyer

Old Newspaper Names

Old Newspaper Names
Old Newspaper Names

Old newspaper names have a certain charm and nostalgia. They often reflect the history and heritage of a publication.

These names can evoke a sense of trust and reliability, reminding readers of a time when newspapers were a primary source of information.

Choosing an old-fashioned name can give your paper a classic feel, adding a touch of tradition to your modern content.

  • The Ancient Announcer
  • The Vintage Voice
  • The Historic Herald
  • The Antique Argus
  • The Classic Chronicle
  • The Old-Time Observer
  • The Bygone Bulletin
  • The Retro Reporter
  • The Timeworn Tribune
  • The Aged Argus
  • The Nostalgic News
  • The Former Flyer
  • The Historic Happenings
  • The Olden Observer
  • The Past Press
  • The Yesteryear Yearbook
  • The Antique Annals
  • The Vintage Vignette
  • The Ancient Archive
  • The Classic Clippings
  • The Time-Honored Times
  • The Bygone Broadcast
  • The Retro Record
  • The Historic Headlines
  • The Olden Orator
  • The Past Pages
  • The Yesteryear Yearning
  • The Historic Herald
  • The Ancient Articles
  • The Classic Chronicles
  • The Timeworn Tales
  • The Bygone Bulletin
  • The Former Folio
  • The Vintage Vistas
  • The Antique Articles
  • The Nostalgic Narratives
  • The Aged Annals
  • The Historic Heralds
  • The Old-Time Tales
  • The Classic Columns

Famous Newspaper Names

Famous Newspaper Names
Famous Newspaper Names

Famous newspaper names are well-known for a reason. They have built a reputation for quality journalism and have become household names.

These names often carry a sense of authority and credibility. Emulating such names can lend your publication an air of professionalism and trustworthiness.

While creating your name, consider what makes these famous names stand out and aim for a similar impact.

  • The New York Times
  • The Washington Post
  • The Guardian
  • The Wall Street Journal
  • The Times of London
  • The Los Angeles Times
  • The Chicago Tribune
  • The Boston Globe
  • The Daily Telegraph
  • The Globe and Mail
  • The Sydney Morning Herald
  • The Times of India
  • The Japan Times
  • The South China Morning Post
  • The Moscow Times
  • The Financial Times
  • The Independent
  • The Daily Mail
  • The Sun
  • The Daily Mirror
  • The New Yorker
  • The Observer
  • The Daily Express
  • The Star
  • The Toronto Star
  • The International Herald Tribune
  • The Evening Standard
  • The Scotsman
  • The Irish Times
  • The Straits Times
  • The Bangkok Post
  • The Manila Bulletin
  • The China Daily
  • The Korea Herald
  • The Jakarta Post
  • The Hindustan Times
  • The Deccan Chronicle
  • The Tribune
  • The Statesman
  • The Pioneer

Catchy Newspaper Names

A catchy newspaper name sticks in the reader’s mind. It should be easy to remember and fun to say.

This kind of name can draw in readers and make your publication more popular. Think about using alliteration, puns, or rhymes to make your name stand out.

The goal is to create something that people will talk about and look forward to reading.

  • The Buzz Bulletin
  • The Flash Report
  • The Pulse Post
  • The Spark Sentinel
  • The Vibe View
  • The Trend Tracker
  • The Hype Herald
  • The Wave Weekly
  • The Pop Press
  • The Zip Zone
  • The Click Chronicle
  • The Snap Story
  • The Jolt Journal
  • The Edge Edition
  • The Swift Scoop
  • The Rapid Report
  • The Beat Bulletin
  • The Quick Quill
  • The Swift Sentinel
  • The Speedy Sentinel
  • The Zoom Zephyr
  • The Glide Gazette
  • The Lightning Ledger
  • The Turbo Tribune
  • The Flash Flyer
  • The Dash Dispatch
  • The Surge Sentinel
  • The Bounce Bulletin
  • The Whirlwind Weekly
  • The Fevered Flyer
  • The Pulse Pages
  • The Rush Report
  • The Breeze Bulletin
  • The Gust Gazette
  • The Snap Sentinel
  • The Fast Track
  • The Swift Survey
  • The Breeze Brief
  • The Whiz Weekly
  • The Quick Quill

Common Newspaper Names

Common newspaper names are often straightforward and to the point. They usually reflect the main purpose of the publication without much flair.

While they may not be as flashy, they are reliable and easy to understand. These names are often used by local papers that focus on delivering news to their community.

If you want a name that’s simple and effective, going with something common can be a safe bet.

  • The Daily News
  • The Morning Post
  • The Evening News
  • The City Times
  • The Weekly Journal
  • The Local News
  • The Daily Record
  • The Community Chronicle
  • The Regional Review
  • The Metro News
  • The Town Tribune
  • The County Courier
  • The Neighborhood News
  • The State Journal
  • The National News
  • The Global News
  • The World Report
  • The Urban Update
  • The Rural Report
  • The Village Voice
  • The Suburban Sentinel
  • The Daily Dispatch
  • The Weekly Watch
  • The Monthly Monitor
  • The News Journal
  • The Observer
  • The Times
  • The Herald
  • The Sentinel
  • The Gazette
  • The Chronicle
  • The Bulletin
  • The Courier
  • The Post
  • The Tribune
  • The Ledger
  • The Messenger
  • The Informer
  • The Reporter
  • The Review

Popular newspaper names have a wide appeal and are easily recognized. They often strike a balance between being catchy and trustworthy.

These names help attract a broad audience and build a loyal readership. When choosing a name, consider what makes other newspapers popular and look for inspiration. A well-chosen name can boost your paper’s visibility and success.

  • The Daily Times
  • The City Herald
  • The National Tribune
  • The Morning Journal
  • The Evening Standard
  • The Global Gazette
  • The Local Ledger
  • The Community Courier
  • The Regional Review
  • The Metro Monitor
  • The Town Times
  • The Neighborhood News
  • The County Chronicle
  • The State Sentinel
  • The National News
  • The World Report
  • The Urban Update
  • The Rural Record
  • The Village Voice
  • The Suburban Sentinel
  • The Daily Dispatch
  • The Weekly Watch
  • The Monthly Monitor
  • The Sunrise Sentinel
  • The Sunset Sentinel
  • The Twilight Tribune
  • The Noon News
  • The Midday Monitor
  • The Nightly News
  • The Prime Time Post
  • The Weekend Watch
  • The Holiday Herald
  • The Seasonal Sentinel
  • The Festive Flyer
  • The Daily Digest
  • The Weekly Observer
  • The Annual Announcer
  • The International Informer
  • The Metro Messenger
  • The Urban Update

Fictional Newspaper Names

Fictional newspaper names are perfect for stories and creative projects. They allow you to have fun and be imaginative.

These names can be as wild or whimsical as you like, adding an extra layer of creativity to your work. They help set the scene and can make your fictional world feel more real.

So, let your imagination run wild and come up with a name that fits your story perfectly.

  • The Gotham Gazette
  • The Daily Planet
  • The Quibbler
  • The Daily Bugle
  • The Hogsmeade Herald
  • The Metropolis Times
  • The Westeros Weekly
  • The Middle-Earth Messenger
  • The Starfleet Sentinel
  • The Narnia News
  • The Panem Post
  • The Gallifrey Gazette
  • The Westeros Watch
  • The Diagon Daily
  • The District 12 Dispatch
  • The Shire Sentinel
  • The King’s Landing Chronicle
  • The Tatooine Times
  • The Hogwarts Herald
  • The Asgardian Announcer
  • The Winterfell Weekly
  • The Rivendell Report
  • The Mordor Monitor
  • The Stark Sentinel
  • The Lannister Ledger
  • The Dorne Dispatch
  • The Essos Express
  • The Westeros Wire
  • The Dragonstone Daily
  • The Iron Islands Informer
  • The Braavos Bulletin
  • The Wildling Weekly
  • The Night’s Watch News
  • The Unsullied Update
  • The Valyria Voice
  • The Atlantis Announcer
  • The Krypton Courier
  • The Wakanda Weekly
  • The Gotham Gleaner
  • The Smallville Sentinel

Unique & Creative Newspaper Names

Unique and creative newspaper names stand out in a crowded market. They catch the eye and spark curiosity.

A distinctive name can make your publication memorable and set it apart from the competition. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and come up with something original.

A creative name can reflect the innovative content inside and attract a diverse readership.

  • The Quantum Quill
  • The Elysian Express
  • The Mosaic Monitor
  • The Serendipity Sentinel
  • The Ecliptic Echo
  • The Whimsy Weekly
  • The Luminary Ledger
  • The Kaleidoscope Chronicle
  • The Zenith Zephyr
  • The Enigma Examiner
  • The Paradox Post
  • The Nebula News
  • The Mirage Messenger
  • The Aurora Announcer
  • The Epiphany Express
  • The Odyssey Observer
  • The Aurora Argus
  • The Reverie Reporter
  • The Solstice Sentinel
  • The Vortex Voice
  • The Echoes Edition
  • The Labyrinth Ledger
  • The Ethereal Examiner
  • The Phantasmic Post
  • The Arcane Announcer
  • The Ethereal Echo
  • The Nebula Navigator
  • The Celestial Chronicle
  • The Enchanted Edition
  • The Harmony Herald
  • The Whirlwind Weekly
  • The Phantasmic Pages
  • The Paragon Post
  • The Zenith Zephyr
  • The Aurora Argus
  • The Reverie Reporter
  • The Enigmatic Express
  • The Stellar Sentinel
  • The Cosmic Courier
  • The Dreamscape Digest

Funny Newspaper Names Generator

Newspaper Names Generator

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Are funny newspaper names common in the media industry?

While not as common as traditional newspaper names, funny newspaper names are popular among satirical and humor publications. They stand out in the media landscape and attract readers looking for entertainment.

How do funny newspaper names impact readership?

Funny newspaper names can attract a niche audience that appreciates humor and satire. They can increase readership by making the publication more appealing and memorable, leading to higher engagement and sharing.

What is the history behind some well-known funny newspaper names?

Publications like “The Onion” started as a college humor publication and evolved into a widely recognized satirical news outlet. Historical anecdotes often involve a mix of creativity, wordplay, and the founders’ desire to differentiate their paper from traditional news sources.


Choosing the right newspaper name is crucial. It sets the tone for your publication and can attract readers.

Whether you want something funny, catchy, or unique, the name should reflect your paper’s personality.

Take your time and brainstorm different ideas. A well-chosen name can make your newspaper stand out and become a beloved part of your readers’ day. Happy naming!

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Editorial Team

The Nomefy Editorial Team is a creative coalition of branding experts, linguistic aficionados, and storytelling savants, united in our passion for names that tell a story.

With a keen eye for linguistic trends and a commitment to narrative depth, we craft content that empowers our audience with insights into the art and science of naming.

Our diverse expertise ensures each piece is a blend of creativity, strategy, and actionable guidance, designed to inspire and assist brands and individuals alike.

Together, we’re the voice behind Nomefy, celebrating the power of names to shape identities and destinies.